Late Nights and Early Mornings

Tomorrow begins the new Module 3 for 2014 at King Abdulaziz University. I will finally be getting my own class and my own students for the first time; one which I will not have to pick up where someone else left off. Last module I was given a class who had a previous teacher and I was tossed into the group having to understand what was done the previous three weeks. It was hectic at times and I felt like I was in a tailspin for most of the time, but I survived!

Tailspin Crew

Also, my students survived, as there was only one [C] and three [F’s] out of a class of 29 students! I was very happy to know that my students did so well, especially since I had them the majority of the module ^,^ Mostly, there were [B’s], but six students managed to get an [A] and I couldn’t be happier for them!

Kool Aid Oh Yeah

This new class will hopefully procure similar results, but I will not anticipate too much. I have received adequate warning from colleagues and co-workers that Module 3 and Module 4 are the toughest, as the chances to have “repeater” students increases dramatically. When a student fails to pass the previous module, they must do it all over again. Most of the time, it is because they never showed up to class or did not care. This can make for difficult times, if they choose to keep up bad habits.

Bad Habit Buger

I will keep an optimistic perspective, regardless! I will do my best to see my students achieve success and move on to their full programs at KAU. Also, during this time, I will be working on some research with one of the Dr.’s in the English Language Institute. If we can get published, it will be my first article to be submitted. Hopefully, if all goes well, there can be more down the road ^,^

Hope for a New Day

Time to hit the sack, as I must wake up around 6:30am in order to get to the school on time. Right now, it is 2:05am… Wish me luck! ~^,^~

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