Helpful Pessimism

Earlier today, I read an article posted by one of my friends on a social media site and it discussed a very interesting topic: The Positive Power of Negative Thinking


Credits to: for this image
Credits to: for this image

Now, I must first say that, those of you who know me well know that I am always trying to look at the positive end of things – “Mr. Positive!”. I attempt to find what is possible and strive to achieve my goals, keeping a forward thinking mindset. If, by chance, you keep up with my workout posts, it may be readily apparent that I am quite enthusiastic about improving my life. For me, this works wonders!!! I enjoy analyzing the field in which I am engaged with. From there, I see what could happen and what I need to do in order to achieve my success. But, I must admit, from time to time, I find myself exploring what could happen with negative repercussions. I choose, for obvious reasons, to avoid encountering adverse outcomes, just as I think anyone else would.


After reading this article, it made me think introspectively about my actions on a daily basis. Am I such the optimist that I think I am, or that I claim to be? Am I always forward thinking, focusing on the positive, telling myself that things will work out? Do I gear my mind up to say, “I am the best, I can do it!” Or… from time to time, do I also perceive things with a negative mindset?


I think that was the best part about reading this article. It was cause for pause. I took some time, actually throughout the rest of the day, and I considered how often I caution against dangers and undesirable events that may or may not occur. I must admit, I think that maybe I do have a healthy balance of both worlds, but spent most of my life thinking that I was purely optimistic (at least, the majority of the time), positive about my daily trails and tribulations. Don’t get me wrong, I used to be full of negativity and pessimism during my younger years. That comes with being bullied on a daily basis and other external factors that I would prefer to leave out of this blog post. But, I made the choice to not let the oppressors of my childhood take me down with them. I rose up, time and again, brushing off the dust and learning from those experiences. It is what has made me who I am today.


Credit to: The Empower Netwrok
Credit to: The Empower Netwrok

Just a quick side remark: I do not think there can ever be an end to bullying. To think that is possible, from my perspective, is a bit delusional. Bullying is an action taken by someone who chooses to oppress those around them. You cannot eliminate bullying, but you can certainly guard against it, grow from it, learn how to use it to your advantage. I know I did… It may have formed a callous, but I make it out to be a badge I wear, instead. I think that this may be why I have such a deep passion for the Martial Arts and Cage Fighting. You cannot eliminate the fact that your opponents, or enemies, want to hurt you or that they are trying to hurt you. As a defense, you learn how to guard against their attacks; how to create attacks of your own giving you an advantage to hopefully rise above.


I digress… I have gotten off point, but feel that the previous paragraph may lend perspective to those readers who may wonder why I feel the way I do. Anyways, back to the article, I have reconsidered my stance on “Mr. Positive!” I think that I find it agreeable that having a bit of pessimism can go a long way. Guarding against the obvious, and maybe, not so obvious consequences of your next actions may be just what you need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The link below will take you to the article I am referencing. After reading it I hope you might find some new, or renewed perspective, too!

1 thought on “Helpful Pessimism”

  1. Pessimism works for some while optimism works for others. I utilize what I’d like to consider more practicality in my life; combining both optimism and pessimism. I generally contain an optimistic attitude, but I am also practical and realistic to my own limitations and abilities. That to me is a healthy outlook on life, but I can understand how those that focus on possible failure can come up top…I’d just rather spend my time focusing on other things besides all the negative things that could happen and lead to failure. I like to be prepared, but there is only so much that one can be prepared for. Life is full of chance.

    Many children are told now that they are all special without gaining merit, and younger generations tend to exude the belief that they are ‘owed something’ that has not been worked for. This unrealistic approach to life will bite our society in the ass in a few years when the plethora of people who were aiming for the stars never reach farther than the ground their standing on. The inevitable crash of negativity from that is already building as seen in the growing number of depression…but that takes me onto an entirely new topic.

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