Day x.6, x.7, and x.8

I have been quite the busy body, as of late. Working very hard at the university here, in Jeddah. I have managed to grab up a few extra shifts last week and will be doing double duty all week, this coming Sunday through Thursday. This is a very good thing, as I like to keep busy!

I feel that by being inactive, I am only doing harm to myself mentally and physically. That is why I keep pushing every day! Alas, as most people who work hard, we hit our rough spots. We hit periods where we think we don’t have time. We feel that we can put things off for a short time, then pick it back up…


I feel into that trap. And I am VERY disappointed in myself.

You see, when you fall into that trap, you don’t realize it. It is like a slow progression, a fence built up around you over time (there is a story on how to catch a wild boar in the same fashion). You think, “Aw… just one missed workout won’t hurt me. I’ll make up for it tomorrow”. The next day, you are in a frantic rush to get to work, so you tell yourself, “No biggie, I’ll just hit workout when I get back home”. Then, you’re exhausted and barely rest… I figure many of you can see the slippery slope at this point.


This has led to, what I call, falling over the edge of Belly Mountain.

Now, I am starting to put back on what I worked so hard to take off! This cannot happen! I cannot let it happen! This past week and a half has been a sham! and I need to pull my head out of my ass! Yesterday and today were two of the toughest workouts I have done to date! Not because of what I was doing, but because I fell off the wagon a long while back. I even skip on posting about these past workouts.


Time to make myself accountable again! Time to ask all of you for your help!

Please, leave a message telling me to stop wimping out. To get back on that train and charge through! To not quit, just because things have gotten lax. I want to reach my fitness goal, and I need your support! Thanks a ton!

Thank you Goku

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